Baby Hannah – 14 Months

Baby Hannah – 14 Months

Hannah also had a rough start to life, she was born with a heart condition which meant all naps where taken on mum as she basically fed and slept on mum all day to conserve energy and allow her to grow and survive until she had her heart operation.

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Still co-sleeping at 5 years old

Still co-sleeping at 5 years old

Elliot was happiest cuddling up next to her Mum at night. However this worried Elliot’s Mum, because her daughter was nearly 5 years old and showing no signs of wanting to sleep in her own bed. Since Elliot’s parents had separated, the situation had become increasingly challenging. There was no consistency between the two households at bedtime and Elliot was getting mixed messages. Elliot knew that she was allowed to sleep in Dad’s bed every night, so she’d try to do the same when staying at Mum’s house. Initially, Elliot’s Mum tried to roll with it, but exhausted by having to go to work every day after a rough night of sleep, Elliot’s Mum eventually accepted that something needed to change.

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George 6 Months Old

George 6 Months Old

George was born with a mild cows milk protein intolerance, he began breastfeeding but quickly developed a fussy feeding style, pulling off the breast frequently due to pain.

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When can sleep training start?

When can sleep training start?

“You don’t have to wait until your baby is grown to start sleep training,” a midwife mentioned during a visit to Jack’s Mum. Although sleep training shouldn’t be done in the first three months of a newborn’s life, parents don’t have to grin and bear through endless months of wakeful nights either. Naturally, Jack’s Mum was very relieved to hear that!

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Baby Angus- 10 months old

Baby Angus- 10 months old

Angus was a healthy 10 month old baby who’s mum had firm attachment parenting philosophy, she had co-slept and fed Angus to sleep for 10 months, and loved every minute of it.

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Baby Rachel – 9 months old

Baby Rachel – 9 months old

Rachel aged 9 months 2 weeks was sleeping from 7pm-7am, she began to wake earlier and earlier – her mum got in touch as she was starting to wake as early as 5.30am and refuse to go back to sleep.

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